The problem is that currently our news articles do not have separate pages like Slashdot does. So there is no page to actually link to. Also, linking to the actual WWN issue is done in the body of the news post. In order to have the WWN issue link properly, the news XML would need a <link> tag or something so the RSS generator knows where to set the link.
Francois Gouget wrote:
On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Jeremy Newman wrote:
Not to mention, for people who subscribe to the RSS feed, it is a great way to let them know an Issue has been released.
I'm not using RSS for WineHQ so I just discovered that they are broken. The behavior I'm expecting is the same as for Slashdot's RSS feed: if I click on 'Nasa Turns 50' I get to the page for that story.
But if I click on 'Wine Weekly News Issue 348', I get to the top of Wine's news page (essentially There's two issues with that:
- when the page opens on my laptop the news item about WWN 348 is not even visible. So for general news items we should at least link to the relevant entry. That means adding anchors as currently there are none.
- for news about WWN issues the link should point straight to the issue, rather than to the news about it. The same as clicking on a Slashodt story does not point you to the main index but to the story itself. That probably means that news items should have a url field to specify where the RSS entry should point to.