Onsdag 11 april 2007 16:48, skrev Tom Spear:
Hi again all, before I go and file another needless bug, I thought I would ask for opinions.
I decided to try to run Process Explorer today with wine. When I first ran it, I got a dialog about missing a function. So I looked back thru the traces and it was because we were missing acledit.dll.. So I imported that from my windows xp install, and got the dialog again. Turned out I was also missing netui0.dll, netui1.dll, and netui2.dll and those in turn needed netrap.dll and samlib.dll.
Once I got all of those imported from XP, Process Explorer now runs beautifully.
I looked at the version information, and here is the description of each dll
acledit is an access control list editor netui0 is NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes netui1 is NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes netui2 is NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes netrap is Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL and samlib is SAM Library DLL
I assume SAM is the Security Accounts Manager service, so that last dll would go for that and most likely would never be implemented with wine. But, how about the others? Is doing one of these something possibly feasible for a SoC project? I'm sure that there are other projects that use these dll's as well, but I dont know of them..
My biggest question is when is it appropriate for us to build our own DLL's vs just saying to use native?
I would personally like to at least see the NTLM stuff get built since I know one of the developers is working on NTLM right now
Also, should I file a bug for Process Explorer needing native dll's, or should I maybe file a bug to build our own versions of these dll's, OR should I just leave it alone altogether?
I am creating an AppDB page for the program now. Does anyone object to me putting notes about which native dll's are needed on that page?
No, if native dlls are required then it's very helpful for users to know which ones, and it's even better if you provide download links to these dlls, by using sites such as www.dll-files.com or www.dll-downloads.com, or uploading your own somewhere.
Alexander N. Sørnes