On Friday 03 September 2004 07:18 am, you wrote:
On Thu, 2 Sep 2004, Patrick Goupell wrote: [...]
Is there a repository where I can get some projects to test my changes to winemaker?
Here are a couple more ideas:
- the Microsoft Platform SDK also comes with a lot of samples that you
could use to exercise winemaker. However I didn't try them and they are probably more likely than other bits of code to contain Microsoft-isms that gcc is going to choke on.
- the Virtual X Class Library (VXCL) contains a number of samples that
may be usable too. http://www.toddtown.com/Index.php?pageID=Home/Index
I have made my changes to winemaker.
I am now trying to do the winemaker, configure, make steps.
This is my first time doing winemaker, configure, make so I am really guessing as to what is going on here.
The winemaker and configure steps appear to run.
The make step cannot find the mfc include path.
I have used: winemaker --mfc -I/mvs/cv98/include --lower-all . (my copy of the mfc visual studio include directory)
but get the foloowing errors out of make: stdafx.h:15:64: afxwin.h: No such file or directory stdafx.h:16:46: afxext.h: No such file or directory stdafx.h:17:54: afxdisp.h: No such file or directory stdafx.h:18:87: afxdtctl.h: No such file or directory stdafx.h:20:83: afxcmn.h: No such file or directory stdafx.h:22:23: htmlhelp.h: No such file or directory stdafx.h:24:20: afxdao.h: No such file or directory stdafx.h:25:19: afxdb.h: No such file or directory (and many more of the same)
1. what should my directory structure be for the program source and mfc include files be? Under one tree or different trees?
2. Have I entered the correct winemaker command or not?
I get the same results using the original unmodified winemaker script so I have to assume that I do not have my winemaker command and/or directory structure correct.
Looking for guidance on how to proceed.