Am Sonntag, 23. September 2007 01:42:46 schrieb Computer Dude:
Attached is the git patch for a utility to perform simple parsing of Windows autorun.inf files, and to run the associated programs under WINE. It will auto-detect the CD drive if not specified on the command line, auto-detect the mount point, and attempt to mount it if it i not already mounted.
Shouldn't this be implemented in the gnome / kde autorun support? Perhaps in the form of registering a new autorun "mimetype" which tells gnome/kde about autorun.inf files, and how to use them? _________________________________________________________________
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This is OT regarding this patch, but most people use freemailers, including hotmail / msn. Some service providers tried to establish some all-your-copyright-belong-to-us terms of service. Should we take care about that in any way? Either by making sure that patches aren't sent from such services, or to make sure that such conditions do not hold up in court?
I am using gmx myself, and I haven't checked the TOS for changes since years, and I only gave them a 5 secound look when signing up, so I should start with checking that myself(I send most patches from my CW address though)