On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle@t-systems.com wrote:
On Linux, I have been using .desktop files that freedesktop defines to keep a directory full of icons. They all launch Wine applications. Often enough, these desktop files are initially create by Wine in ~/.local/share/applications/wine/..., along with the icon files in ~/.local/share/icons/.
I wrote a patch to create .app bundled is winemenubuilder that was rejected because it needs to be converted to use Carbon api's for creation and editing of the *.plist files. I think its a better approach/framework because it allows you to have, resource data, multiple icons, and perhaps the ability to add drag/drop to the helper.
I am not sure I am following this.
Here's how I now have app launcher icons on the Mac:
sips -i ~/.local/share/icons/foo.png --out foo.png # sips -i converts and *additionaly* adds icon resource to file # Alas, sips does not understand .xpm cat sample.command > foo.png
Do you mean >> ? wouldn't the > just overwrite the foo.png?
# > overwrites contents but keeps resource fork mv foo.png ~/Desktop/foo.command
I guess the resource fork is contained in a xattr right?
# .command is the finder's suffix for executable shell scripts chmod a+x foo.command
Right but what happened to the png image?
sample.command contains: #!/bin/sh cd /User/me/xyz && WINEDEBUG=-gsm WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine exec wine xyz.exe
Afterwards you edit foo.command and change the directory, environment variables and executable names to meet your needs. Be careful to use an editor that keeps the resource fork.
"Opening" this icon will launch a Terminal where all logs will go. Optionally you may use Cmd-I(nformation) to disable the display of the .command suffix in the finder (unless forced globally). Wine's X11 window opens above the Terminal window.
Using the sample.command or whatever is there a way to always hide the terminal?
I wonder whether this functionality could be somehow integrated into the git (winemenubuilder?), or whether developers believe this should be left to "surrounding" projects like Darwine.
See this patch
What do you think?
I think somebody that is more familiar with Carbon should adopt my patch =)