Hi Andreas,
At 03.12 25/10/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Message: 13 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 10:10:32 +0200 From: Andreas Mohr andi@rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de To: Alberto Massari alby@exln.com Cc: wine-devel@winehq.com Subject: Re: How can an app detect it's running under WINE? Reply-To: andi@rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de
On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 09:25:23AM +0200, Alberto Massari wrote:
Hi everybody, I am working on making our software (Stylus Studio, http://www.stylusstudio.com) run under WINE, if this is feasible. To achieve this, I have already implemented a bunch of APIs (the application is built against the UNICODE version of the Win32 APIs) and fixed some
I hit (I already mailed the first patch to wine-patches@winehq.com).
However, I would feel better if I could detect I am running under WINE and gracefully disable some functionalities that are not yet fully supported; is there any way to achieve this? Is there a WIN32 API (like, say, GetVersionEx) that can return a string like "Windows 2000 (WINE)" or is WINE trying to be as stealth as possible?
http://www.winehq.org/FAQ/ would have been answering this in countless cases already.
I'm sorry I asked this here, but the only help I got from the FAQ was:
------ Q: How can I detect Wine? A: You really shouldn't want to do this. If there's a quirk in Wine you need to work around, it's *much* better to fix it in Wine (after all you're a developer, so you should be able to gather enough help and knowledge to fix it for real). If you think you really want to know how to detect it anyway (maybe in order to just have a cool "running on Wine" status text or so), then please mail me. (address-suppressed) ------
So I though I could ask it here....
------------------------------- Alberto Massari eXcelon Corp. http://www.StylusStudio.com