C.W. Betts wrote:
Is is just because of the Objective-C code? Would it be safe to make C functions that would call Objective-C? Such as: cheader.h: typedef struct struct1 struct1; cfuncCreate(struct1 *s); cfunc1(); cfunc2(); cfuncDestroy (struct1 *s);
cfile.m: @interface WHQFunc {
} -(id)init; -(void)dealloc; @end struct { WHQFunc *ObjC; int ids; }struct1; @implementation WHQFunc
-(id)init { return [super init]; } -(void)dealloc { [super dealloc]; } @end
cfunc1() {
} cfunc2() {
} cfuncCreate(struct1 *s) { s = malloc(sizeof(struct1)); [[s->ObjC alloc] init]; } cfuncDestroy (struct1 *s) { [s->ObjC release]; free(s); }
Working on it.
The problem is that there can't be any Objective-C code in Wine. At all. Or C++. Or Fortran. Or Pascal. Or Ada. Or Java. Or C# or VB. Or any language other than pure, procedural C.
I wanted to wait until it was finished, but I may as well announce it now. I'm working on a new tool to create pure C bindings to Objective-C frameworks. That way, you can use an Objective-C framework (like the Cocoa Foundation and AppKit frameworks) from C. There is a even a companion framework that lets you define your own classes and create instances of them--without writing a single line of Objective-C.
If you'll be patient, I'll be finishing it soon, and I'll post the source and binaries somewhere so you can use it. My intent is precisely, among other things, to use this to create a Quartz driver that will work in 64-bit (because the Carbon UI stuff doesn't work in 64-bit).