You missed the two collation_table lookups.
You're right, I did miss that.
Note that on Windows using CompareString on L"\0001\0002" and L"\0002\0001" gives a result of CSTR_EQUAL, so I don't think the bug is in the collation tables.
Really? For which locale, and which version of Windows? For US English, on WinXP, it returns CSTR_LESS_THAN for me. Here's a quick proggie:
LCID lcid = MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT); BSTR str1 = SysAllocStringLen(L"\0001\0002", 2); BSTR str2 = SysAllocStringLen(L"\0002\0001", 2);
printf("VarBstrCmp returns %ld\n", VarBstrCmp(str1, str2, lcid, 0)); printf("CompareStringW returns %d\n", CompareStringW(lcid, 0, str1, 2, str2, 2));
The output is: VarBstrCmp returns 0 CompareStringW returns 1