The Wine design would focus more on users. The 'banner' would be about running your Windows programs on Linux/FreeBSD/Mac and would mention office apps, games and so on. The highlights would show features e.g. support for Win3.1-XP, DirectX capability and so on.
Roderick Colenbrander wrote:
The look of the website has improved a lot and it feels a lot more modern. Personally I don't like the front page much. I find it a bit empty. I would like to see what Wine is. I would suggest to look at the website of the Mono project. On their website your directly see on a banner what Mono is and a list with important features is shown in a column on the left. I think Wine's main features could be shown in a similar way. Sure you could have an information page but I think doing what the Mono guys did is enough for 90% of the people. News could be shown in a similar way. I'm not saying we should clone their website but personally I don't like the ''-like design much.
Hi Roderick, I consider the Mono example developer-oriented page. There is too much irrelevant information packed on one page for usual user or tester.
As Wine is targeting broader audience than developers, I think the Jeremy's mockup is much more to the point. Cheers Hark