Hi Stefan,
Stefan Dösinger wrote:
Hello, I have come across a D3D7 call where I need some help with: IDirect3DDevice::DrawIndexedPrimitiveVB. The prototype is DrawIndexedPrimitiveVB(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 iface, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE d3dptPrimitiveType, LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER7 lpD3DVertexBuf, DWORD dwStartVertex, DWORD dwNumVertices, LPWORD lpwIndices, DWORD dwIndexCount, DWORD dwFlags)
I can't find any usable information about it on MSDN, and there's no equivalent in other D3D versions and WineD3D.
Is there an easy translation to IWineD3DDevice::DrawIndexedPrimitive orIWineD3DDevice::DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP, or do I have to add this call to WineD3D(based on the old implementation in D3D7 perhaps?).
Since vertex buffer support is a hack, I think you can use standard wined3d drawing primitives for the moment. You just have to save/restore matrices and change vertex buffer implementation a bit.
Btw, thanks for undertaking this big task. :-)
Bye, Christian