==============================================================================> > # Patch> > ==============================================================================> > --- wine-1.1.1-orig/dlls/user32/win.c 2008-07-12 01:55:55.000000000 +1000> > +++ wine-1.1.1/dlls/user32/win.c 2008-07-14 16:49:21.000000000 +1000> > @@ -173,6 +173,13 @@ static WND *create_window_handle( HWND p> > win->owner = full_owner;> > win->class = class;> > win->winproc = get_class_winproc( class );> > + /* This is a window hack - When builtin Edit class has been subclassed by SetClassLong(Ptr)W */> > + /* If creating ansi Edit window & the class does not have a ansi proc, use unicode proc as ansi */> > + if(!unicode && !IS_INTRESOURCE(name) && !strcmpiW( name, EDIT_builtin_class.name )> > + && WINPROC_IsUnicode( win->winproc, 0 ) && WINPROC_IsUnicode( win->winproc, 1 ))> > + {> > + win->winproc = WINPROC_AllocProc((WNDPROC)WINPROC_GetProc( win->winproc, 1 ), NULL);> > + }> > It doesn't seem likely that this behaviour just applies to edit> controls. More likely, it applies to all builtin classes.> > -- > Rob Shearman
Yes you are right, this behaviour applies to all builtin classes. I can either
1. add more strcmpiW to compare with all the class names,
This can slow down create_window_handle() a little bit.
or 2. prove that there is no need for other builtin classes.
The major difference before Edit and other builtin controls is: the Text in other builtin control does not interact with user, the WM_SETTEXT message do A->W conversion, WM_GETTEXT do a W->A conversion, it can get same string back. so current wine can handle it.
The Edit control interact with user and input system, W->A conversion of SendMessageA(WM_GETTEXT) will not get eact the same string as user entered (eg CJK text). So if we create a Ansi Edit window, we do not want W->A conversion. That is why my patch is needed to make Edit window a Ansi window.
So what do you think we should do?
Regards Hongbo _________________________________________________________________ It's simple! Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au http://a.ninemsn.com.au/b.aspx?URL=http%3A%2F%2Fsecure%2Dau%2Eimrworldwide%2...