Martin Fuchs writes:
The problem is not just my application. The problem exists with any application, that tries to register a shell window, for example the original MS explorer or GeoShell. Handling it with catching WM_MOUSEACTIVATE would be possible, yes. But that would be another work around especially for Wine. If it is launched on a bare MS windows system without MS explorer, it registers it`s shell window and there is no problem with focus handling. I think, Wine should behave the same way?
Yes, if it works under Windows then obviously we need a fix in Wine. I think you should investigate exactly how Windows does it, there are many places where we could add such checks so we need to find out exactly where Windows has them.
Good. Which other global informations would be cancdidates for this? May be we could start right now to use this shared memory technique.
No, I want the code to work right with the current scheme before we start adding shared memory, because it will create a lot of subtle synchronization problems.