On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 8:58 PM, Bret Comstock Waldow bcw1000@yahoo.com wrote:
I will be very interested in looking at any open source handwriting recognition programs you can point me at.
Here's what I was able to dig up awhile back in regards to open source handwriting recog of any kind (not saying I found everything by any means):
http://code.google.com/p/ocropus/ <= maybe the best handwriting recog engine? http://www.dklevine.com/general/software/tc1000/jarnal.htm <= closest thing to onenote http://groundstate.ca/tabletsoft <= good summary of a bunch of programs http://www.stressbunny.com/wayv/ http://www.handhelds.org/projects/xscribble.html http://www.etla.net/libstroke/
I had been hoping to eventually get inkobj in wine to use ocopus as the backend for handwriting but thats just a dream at this point.
Otherwise, I need to know about the legality, and practicality, of a scheme such as I am proposing above. I'm hoping for comment, pointers, and perhaps help about writing it.
If you are suggesting to use one copy of windows to serve functionality for multiple users that might be on shaky legal ground, IANAL though.
Hope this helps, --John