On 06/14/2010 11:02 AM, Ing. Simone. Giustetti wrote:
How about 64 bit packages with Wow64 ? This feature is described as a major one for Wine release 1.2, but as far as I know no x86_64 package was released yet. I've been using it since release 1.1.44 for testing purposes and it seems pretty stable. If there are no objections, I'll upload i486 and x86_64 packages and announce it in Slackaware related communities asking for reviews / regressions.
On the Ubuntu side this isn't going to happen until Maverick due to changes in the underlying handling of 64-bit libraries. Or, put differently, it's too big a change for a stable release update of Wine in Lucid (1.2 will be fit for stable release update, however, exactly because of all this regression-fixing we're doing).
Thanks, Scott Ritchie