I took a quick look at it, but I came up against a number of problems:
- The application seems to be half open-source, but
the user interface doesn't seem to in the half that is opened. 2. I assume patch linked to above is correct, but the app isn't calling BeginPaint, which it should. 3. The app uses MFC and BeginPaint should probably be called by one of the MFC base classes, but tracing code paths through MFC takes ages.
If you can get the programmer who wrote the application to reduce the problem down to a simple test case with source, I might have some more luck. Otherwise, I don't have the time to investigate it.
I just mentioned the problem on foobars irc channel, and someone posted some sample WM_PAINT code that I believe is what you might have been looking for (BeginPaint isn't used anywhere). According to the foobar devs, and I've heard this from previous threads in the foobar forums when wine had issues with repainting the playlist, is that BeginPaint is not nessesary, and that seems to be a recuring problem with wine.
Attached is the code that was posted in the irc channel. I'm not enough of a dev to make sense of it, but hopefully it'll help.
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case WM_PAINT: { struct { RECT rcPaint; HDC hdc; } ps; if (!GetUpdateRect(wnd,&ps.rcPaint,0)) GetClientRect(wnd,&ps.rcPaint); ps.hdc = GetDC(wnd);
int min,max; min = display_offset + (ps.rcPaint.top/item_height); max = display_offset + (ps.rcPaint.bottom/item_height) + 2; int n; if (max>get_count()) max = get_count(); for(n=min;n<max;n++) repaint(n,ps.hdc,&ps.rcPaint);
int blank_top = (get_count() - display_offset) * item_height; if (blank_top < ps.rcPaint.bottom) { RECT temp = ps.rcPaint; temp.top = blank_top; HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush(cfg_playlist_background); FillRect(ps.hdc,&temp,br); DeleteObject(br); } ReleaseDC(wnd,ps.hdc); ValidateRect(wnd,&ps.rcPaint);