I wrote:
I wrote:
Maybe there are much better solutions out there, which could also spare you some precious time having to do those Bugzilla reports you are currently making...
See for instance Trac, which has built-in reports, and where the user can in a very simple way create h(is/er) own reports: http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/report
Hoop-ti-doo, they even have a bugzilla-2-trac conversion script! http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/wiki/TracImport
Flyspray - http://flyspray.rocks.cc/ - is also really sweet.
Doesn't come with a bugzilla conversion script, though.
Mooch off TSVN's bugtracker if you want to see it live :-). http://tortoisesvn.berlios.de/issues/