On 12/29/2009 04:54 PM, Matteo Bruni wrote:
2009/12/29 Alexandre Julliardjulliard@winehq.org:
Matteo Brunimatteo.mystral@gmail.com writes:
+%option reentrant bison-bridge
These won't work on old flex versions, and will get you in trouble with the flex police (aka Michael Stefaniuc ;-)
All that because the Wine maintainer puts a lot of emphasis on portability ...
Alexandre, now you have another person on your side against RHEL 5 and old flex versions :)
I have just submitted a patch for configure.ac to require a newer flex version to build Wine. People on RHEL5 can just rebuild a SRPM from Fedora (those from F7 to F10 are just a "rpmbuild --rebuild"). Now the Wine maintainer needs to just accept that patch ;)
bye michael