Hi Boaz,
Not sure if this is relevant/useful, but I have been playing with using Wine to deliver apps to Mac users over the LAN. Using scripts, I start X11 on the Mac, copy the X cookie into the terminal variable on the Mac side, telnet to the Linux server, start the Wine app, and send the display back to the Mac. Probably you have discarded this option for security reasons, however we find this runs much faster using pure X11 over the LAN than tunnelling X11 over SSH; there's less work on both ends. As long as security is not a concern, and it's LAN only it's a nice solution. Passwords are simply disabled on the Linux box; the users can't tell the difference between a locally installed app, and one running on the Linux box. In fact, on slow Macs, the linux server executes and displays faster than a local app ever could.
Each Mac user has their own Linux account. I setup one Linux account the way I need and then copy it for how ever many Mac users there will be. It looks to me as if hardware requirements are better than Citrix, even though each user has their own instance of Wine.
Have experimented with varying results over WAN with combinations of SSH, lbx proxy etc. When I get a chance I'll look at FreeN/X; it sounds promising.
By the way, this solution works for Windows/Mac/Linux equally well, of course you need an X server installed.
Simon Tyler
Boaz Harrosh <boaz@hishome.net > To Sent by: Hans Leidekker hans@it.vu.nl wine-devel-admin@ cc winehq.org wine-devel@winehq.org, Jakob Eriksson jakov@vmlinux.org, Andrew Quigley 11/01/2004 10:27 andrew.quigley@multitek.com AM Subject Re: How difficult would it be to make the equivalent of Windows Terminal Server with Wine?
Hans Leidekker wrote:
I really like the concept but your approach seems to limit publishing of
to Windows boxes. Theoretically you could run the OCX (Internet Explorer)
Wine and the Cygwin/X as well but not practically though, if only from a performance point of view.
It would be more interesting if Mac/Linux/Unix users could use their
of choice and their native X server, which is usually already installed on those platforms. How exactly is this approach dependent on the use of an
Very good question! Once I de-wrinkle all details with my boss, I want to publish the source for the OCX. The first "todo" it will have is the: How to port to other platforms/browsers.?
On the Server html page I have the <object> tag with the CODEBASE="path2cab/xwidget.CAB" attribute (xwidget is what I called the OCX)
I have read that there is a way to have platform/browser specific installation packages. But than how to do it with each platform? I don't know? any Mozilla guru out there that can help. On Linux all you need is a client side access to the shell. And also on Mac OSX.
Actually all it is on windows is a shell access with an invocation of ssh -X, And the regular IE's safe-for-scripting stuff. (ssh is installed along side with the cygwin/X server)
It is all very Client un-safe and should probably be confined to the IntraNet only. Server safety can be kept. Maybe the best would be to embed the ssh inside the Object and not let the server have a shell access on the client. I'll see how it goes and if client safety is requested at all.
Free Life Boaz