* On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
--- Saulius Krasuckas saulius2@ar.fi.lt wrote:
- On Mon, 14 Nov 2005, Maris Paupe wrote:
I have a USB device which doesn' t have a driver in linux, I wrote it as kernel module,
I also have a USB scanner that doesn't work under Linux, and my solution involved a kernel module that does what USBSCAN.SYS does in Windows. Look for mails about a month back with STI and USB in the topics.
Hehe, Damjan, you are mentioned on my wiki page too. :-P BTW, won't start editing page about your own interests about Wine on the Wiki too?
Right now I am planning to rewite this driver using libusb and implement everything in wine's proxy.
What is this "proxy"?
I think Maris will explain.
Last time I checked it was practically impossible to use libusb from within wine; wine's implementation of ReadFile(), WriteFile() and DeviceIoControl() work with UNIX fd's only, and libusb wants its own handles. I had to make wine's fd, my kernel module's device file.
Wait, but there are DLLs (mscms, winsock) in wine which uses direct calls to unix libs. Can't you do the same with libusb in your some wine module?
Maybe some code must be put into wineserver, but still I don't see reasons to not use libusb directly. You just have to find a right place in Wine tree for it. No?