In message, Boris 'pi' Piwinger writes
Mike Hearn wrote:
You didn't say what Forte Agent is, so I'll assume you mean this: ie, a newsreader.
You are right. I heard that it would be very popular under Wine so I falsely assumed it is well known.
As you're new to Linux I'll point out that you can use several good native newsreaders, like Pan or KNode. Is there any reason you want Forte in particular?
Sure, it is really great:-))
Thanks for your suggestions.
I had always (naively ?) understood that Agent was rather similar to Turnpike (a mailer/newsreader from the UK ISP Demon, with a similarly dedicated following); and that it was fairly straightforward to get running under wine (this was certainly true of the v3, 4 & 5 versions of TP - TP6 is based on Explorer, alas)
(Haven't tried for a bit - tend to use Win4lin)