Am Tuesday 23 June 2009 17:03:56 schrieb André Hentschel:
Stephen Gentle schrieb:
Well, here's an idea for one (attached). Just five minutes playing in Photoshop (running in Wine, of course), but it's a start.
One problem of such a logo is that Wine changes constantly, and apps may break any time. So if we wanted to make such a logo official, that would be a two-party contract
*) The app developer tests his app with wine *) The Wine community tests this app before releasing a new Wine release.
Currently we cannot do our part due to lack of resources, especially with the bi-weekly snapshots. We have a very small set of supported apps in the stable releases, but we don't know how far we can grow this as-is.
So any "works with Wine logo" would need some registration page on somewhere, and we'd probably require a fairly extensive set of automated tests, for example some cxtest scripts( that automatically install the app and test if all functionalities work. If the developer of the app has already an automated test suite(including GUI tests), I guess it would be fairly simple to add a cxtest script on top of it that just runs the testsuite.
So such a logo could also be used to grow the set of cxtest tests :-)