Andreas Mohr wrote:
I have a need to detect - from within my application - that it is running under wine. What is the correct way - if any - to perform such test?
This is something that we strongly discourage. You can just add a simple hack for now in your code, while we try to fix it properly in Wine. If you describe the problem, we may be able to fix it fast enough for your purposes.
Indeed, and we also have for that.
(I assume the above was meant to read ...we also have [... need] for that...?)
With due respect for wine developers and their excellent work, this may be worth reconsidering.
Wine used to be almost exclusively for end users who had win32 applications (binaries), and wanted to run them under Linux, not only without any help, bu almost "againt the will" of the developers of those applications. I am, on the other hand, a different animal (and, looking around me, I notice my part of the zoo expanding...): a developer who would *like to help* my end user to run those applications under Linux. However, I can not possibly justify a complete re-write. Since wine is (and will remain forever) less than "100% windoze" (we can argue the numbers, but not the principle) the more I can be given a "helping hand" to deal with those residual differences, the more I'll be able to make my Win32 apps available to Linux users.
(int WinelibVersion(); that returns yyyynn - Please, please...)