In, on 05/09/02 at 08:50 AM, Shachar Shemesh said:
:System was used to denote a file that belongs to the system. It is not :100% clear to me what the relation between system and read-only is, but :a read-write system file is a rare sight indeed.
According to the IBM DOS 2.00 documentation, the two system files, IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM were marked as read only, hidden, and system files.
01 File is marked read-only. An attempt to open the file for output using function call hex 3D results in an error being returned. 02 Hidden file. The file is excluded from normal directory searches. 04 System file. The file is excluded from normal directory searches. 20 Archive bit. The bit is set on whenever the file has been written to and closed.
-- Chuck Crayne ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------