Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
I would agree with you, if you have added all regular possible values listed in wine/include/wingdi.h and only then replaced FIXME's by WARN's.
Well, the only paper size missing is DMPAPER_11X17, presumable because it isn't mentioned in Adobe's documentation.
For the bin types, if someone can tell me how to map the following PPD file bin types, I'll do it:
2ndTray 3rdHCFTray 3rdTray 4thHCFTray 4thTray 500Sheet ASFbin1 ASFbin2 AUTO AnyLargeFormat Auto AutoSelect Auto_Tray1 Auto_Tray2 Automatic Autoselect Autotray Bin1 Bin2 Bottom Bottomtray Bypass BypassHeavy BypassPaper BypassT1 BypassT2 BypassT3 BypassTransparency BypassTray BypassXHeavy CPF1 CPF2 Cassette Cassette1 Cassette2 Cassette3 Cassette4 Cassette5 EnvFeed Envelope EnvelopeFeeder EnvelopeTray Front FrontFeed FrontFeeder HCEF HCF HighCapTray1 Hopper InsertSheet LCIT LargeCapacity LargeCapacityTray LargeLower LargeUpper Largesheet Lower Lower1 Lower2 Lower250SheetFeeder Lower500SheetFeeder LowerCassette LowerOptTray LowerTray Lowercassette MBF MP MPF MPMF MPT MPTray MSI Main MainTray Manual ManualBypass ManualEnvelope ManualFeed ManualFeedTray ManualFeeder ManualNormal ManualOHP ManualPaper ManualThick ManualTransparency Medium Middle Middle250SheetFeeder Middle500SheetFeeder Middletray Multi-Feeder Multi-MediaFeeder Multi-Purpose MultiMediaFeeder MultiPurpose Multimedia Multipurpose MultipurposeTray NotSpec OnlyOne OptionalCassette OptionalCassette1 OptionalCassette2 OptionalTray Paper PaperDeck PaperTray Paper_Deck PrinterDefault Rear Roll RollFeed SecondCassette SideTray Slot0 Slot1 Slot2 Slot3 Slot4 Small Standard StandardCassette StandardTray StandardTray Top Toptray Transparency Tray Tray0 Tray1 Tray2 Tray3 Tray4 Tray5 Tray6 Tray7 TrayManual Tray_Auto Universal Upper UpperCassette UpperOptTray UpperTray Uppercassette Version2 Web
(Every single one of these comes from a PPD file on Adobe's FTP site.)