Zachary Goldberg wrote:
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 8:19 AM, Jeremy White wrote:
Does anyone know *why* these people suffer? Is there something specific to their monitor or is it just a general struggle with captchas?
Finally, is there someone who would be willing to help users through this? The real problem is that all cries for help to web-admin (for any reason, not just this one) are being ignored.
I'm with JWhite in that one bug with the forums is not the death knell of a different interface that has been successful for our users. I think this discussion has been beaten to death before on both devel and on users and it isn't appropriate to discuss now.
Lets talk about how we can fix the problem at hand.
Captchas in general are not so good, and there are much better anti-spam techniques out there (Such as asking an actual question. There are phpbb mods which allow you to input a list of questions (with perhaps links to wiki pages with answers) from which it'll chose a random one to present a user at registration. This is very simple for the user to get passed, just check the wiki for the answer to hopefully an obvious and perhaps informative question, and nearly impossible for the bots).
So perhaps ditching the captcha in favor of something less error prone is in order?
Not sure what they are complaining about - worked for me first time around. I think some people might have problems with: 1. Entering lower case text instead of caps 2. Not knowing (and not willing to find out) "who is the current maintainer".
IMHO people should be able to figure those out with sufficient information and hints. And bots.. well they are not welcome on the forum anyway <g>