I am seeing something in listview.c that really make me feel like there is something really wrong going on. So maybe it is something I am having a lack of understanding in.
I have an application that is sending 'A' style notification codes to the listview header. Specifically I am seeing an HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA. In the listview code the first thing HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA and HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW does is notify_forward_header. notify_forward_header does not understand HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA and then asserts.
It looks straight forward to add the A versions of the notifications to that case statement. But often when something looks that straight forward there is something more underlying it. Especailly since this looks like something we would be seeing a lot of if it was as much of an issue as it appears.
does anyone have a deeper understanding of the listview code that would help me figure out what is going on. Or maybe just tell me that I am over thinking it and it really is as easy of a fix as it looks.
thanks! -aric