On Thursday 31 October 2002 01:14, you wrote:
Matthew Bloch matthew@bytemark.co.uk writes:
$WINE/tools/winebuild/winebuild \ -fPIC -DSTRICT -D_REENTRANT \ -exe LSNClient.exe -mgui Builds/native-debug-linux/Source/*.o \ -L$WINE/dlls -luser32 -lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lkernel32 -lddraw -ldsound \ -lwinmm -ldisplay -ldispdib >Source/LSNClient.exe.c
display and dispdib are 16-bit dlls, you shouldn't import them.
Still does the same thing whether I include then on the winebuild cmd line or not. Could you explain what the error message "loaded .so but dll ... not found" means? What does display.dll do?
What efficiency gains will I make compiling a native "shared library exe" with gcc as opposed to just compiling with Visual C and running it under the normal WINE binary loader?
There are basically no efficiency gains, there is no overhead in running a PE exe compared to a native one.
Okay, but presumably it's easier (as in not impossible!) for me to debug a program with GDB if I'm using a elf binary as opposed to a PE binary, which is mostly my object here.