André Hentschel wrote:
Nikolay Sivov schrieb:
We already have this stuff defined in v6util.h. No reason to duplicate I suppose.
My reason is, that the compiler warns that i am not using the functions inside v6util.h when i use it.
Sorry, don't follow you. Does inclusion of v6util.h in your theming.c work?
Yes, but i dont use its functions and that is what the compiler warns. maybe its enough if i remove the static keyword, but i dont want to hurt something else.
Ah, I see, no, it won't link I think without static. Some time ago I thought about adding v6util.c back and move code here, I'm not very familiar with makefile generation but I think we could place this new v6util.c into C_SRCS section of test makefile (if it's allowed of course, but I think if it isn't we should enabled it someway). After that it will build as any other module does.