Hi Jacek,
Thanks for your review. I really appreciate it :)
2013/7/29 Jacek Caban jacek@codeweavers.com:
You sent the patch during code freeze, when it couldn't be committed, so it probably didn't get enough attention. Now is the right time to resubmit.
Does that means I should resend the patch to the mail list?
It doesn't really make sense to test COM aggregation on every interface implemented by an object. The valuable part of the test is that ITextDocument should be supported, but there is probably a better place to put this test.
Sure I can remove the aggregation tests.
+struct tagReTxtDoc {
- IUnknown *outerObj;
- ME_TextEditor *editor;
- ITextDocument iTextDocumentIface;
Do you really need a separated structure for that? Wouldn't adding ITextDocument implementation to ITextServicesImpl be enough?
This structure will be used in both ITexstServicesImpl and IRichEditOleImpl(richole.c). For now IRichEditOleImpl has its own implementation(stub) of ITextDocument and ITextSelection. A stub of ITextSelection is needed before removing IRichEditOleImpl's own implementation and use the separate one. There are already several patches that are ready for review once this patch get submitted.
Thanks Caibin