Can you tell me the addresses in the IP register at the time of call
return to the program? I must have either miscalculated the backup
or failed
to account to movement between memory segments. Skipping the code works with the fwait, however, the other FPU instructions will not be
that easy
to handle.
After doing some winedbg work, it appears that : - my call appears at 0x36f:0xc and should return at 0x36f:0xe Wine-dbg>disass 0x36f:0xc 0x036f:0x0000000c: int $0x3d 0x036f:0x0000000e: movw 0xfffffffc(%bp),%ax 0x036f:0x00000011: movw 0xfffffffe(%bp),%dx 0x036f:0x00000014: leave 0x036f:0x00000015: ret $0x4
after setting a breakpoint on DOSVM_Int3dHandler, I see that your calculated code variable points to another place (if I am right ;))
192 FPU_ModifyCode(context, 0x90); Wine-dbg>step 225 WORD *stack = CTX_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN(context, context->SegSs, context->Esp); Wine-dbg> 224 { Wine-dbg> 225 WORD *stack = CTX_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN(context, context->SegSs, context->Esp); Wine-dbg> 226 BYTE *code = CTX_SEG_OFF_TO_LIN(context, stack[1], stack[0]); Wine-dbg> 232 code[-2] = 0x9b; /* The fwait instruction */ Wine-dbg>disass code-2 0x000d0b51: addb $0,%al 0x000d0b53: int $0x31 0x000d0b55: sti 0x000d0b56: lret
One things appears strange to me : you use a WORD pointer for the stack. Shouldnt it be a DWORD pointer, since real mode uses dword stack ?
God Bless You, --Robert 'Admiral' Coeyman
===== Sylvain Petreolle (spetreolle_at_users_dot_sourceforge_dot_net) ICQ #170597259
alias upsf='false ; while [ $? -ne 0 ] ; do cvs update -APd ; done 2>&1 |tee cvslog'
"What if tomorrow the War could be over ?" Morpheus, in "Reloaded".
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