+1, exactly why I muted the conversation.
Not implying that I would have "won" the conversation or anything (I obviously didn't), but I did not like the way my arguments were met at all.
From almost the first response, the tone was quite condescending
and no one even considered if my ideas had any actual merit at all before slamming them completely. Also, because of this, the conversation was needlessly prolonged, to the obvious annoyance of all.
This also applied to perfectly valid comments i made in the AppDB. I haven't experienced such behaviour in an open source project for years. And I have, believe it or not, both participated in and, yes, managed a few.
I would say that no matter how annoying I may have been to this thread, this is extremely counterproductive. In communities like this, where most people are involved for other reasons than money, it is even more important to treat others with respect.
I pride myself with always trying to keep a professional attitude in my communications. Not only with customers or management, but also my peers. I would like some of the participants of this thread to consider the damage they do to the wine project when they don't. Creating technology isn't all about technology.