o I don't yet know how to properly raise and catch exceptions in wine. I see some examples, but I don't see any of try/finally, of which I am a big fan and would probably like to use. Is there a guide somewhere on how to do these things?
o If we want MIDL generated code to compile in winelib, we are going to have to implement the RpcTryExcept and RpcTryFinally macros. I think I heard somewhere that, these are somewhat mysterious macros, i.e., their implementation is based on compiler magic instead of normal header files... how on earth shall we deal with that? I tried grepping the psdk header files and they map to __try, __except, __finally, and so on.... does wine have those?
Thanks again for any assistance,
-- gmt
"The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people" --President Bill Clinton, MTV interview, 1993