Am Di., 29. Jan. 2019 um 16:48 Uhr schrieb Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry@baikal.ru:
Nikolay Sivov nsivov@codeweavers.com wrote:
From: Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry@baikal.ru
Signed-off-by: Nikolay Sivov nsivov@codeweavers.com
Please don't send my patches from wine-staging for inclusion to winehq, I prefer to take care of that on my own when time permits. I already asked about that more than once.
This probably results from the offer sent with every news item that says: Please steal the staging patches and submit them.
What could be done about that? Maybe update the staging patches with some line "Do not steal this patch, the author takes care of it"?
Regards, Kai