On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 23:57:52 -0400, you wrote:
I would like to thank everybody that helped me with testing, patches, or reporting bugs. I couldn't have done the half of it without that support.
This sounds like this is a done deal. It's not. There's a lot of stuff that remains to be done, but I needed some closure. :)
Yes that seems the right way to proceed. Here is an update of newsbin status (current cvs == V18 ).
On the positive side background colouring for new messages works now.
Current show-stoppers:
- only first column displays text; this problem existed from the beginning; - when downloading headers, the messages listview doesn't get filled; this problem was introduced in rev. 1.200; I can get the list to display after the download is finished by toggling the "show only new headers" option; I have uploaded a cut of a +listview trace on www.xs4all.nl/~rklazes/nb.log.bz2 ; - crashes :(( see below.
- the green background extends as far as the text; with native comctl32 is extends the whole column; - A line that has both a green background and is marked slected will display as white text on green backgound; With native comctl32 is shows as white text on dark blue background (same as selected); - updates are from bottom to top; this gets some getting used to;
Till sofar I had two different (looking at the backtrace) crashes. I did not found a way to reproduce easily, just that it happens always shorly after a second download is requested. I will try to create debug logs when I find a way to reproduce.
Crash 1:
| err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x4fcf28 "?" wait timed out, retrying (60 sec) tid=087ee0b8 | Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00418082 in 32-bit code (0x400a3e2d). | In 32-bit mode. | 0x400a3e2d (INSTR_EmulateInstruction+0xaf9 [instr.c:615] in libntdll.dll.so): movl %eax,0x0(%esi) | Warning: L"/usr/home/projects/wine/mywine/dlls/ntdll/../../memory/instr.c" not accessible from a configured DOS drive | Unable to open file /usr/home/projects/wine/mywine/dlls/ntdll/../../memory/instr.c | Backtrace: | =>0 0x400a3e2d (INSTR_EmulateInstruction+0xaf9(context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50, context=0x40630a50) [instr.c:615] in libntdll.dll.so) (ebp=406309c4) | 1 0x400dd289 (do_segv+0x109(context=0x40630a50, trap_code=0xd, cr2=0x0, err_code=0x0) [signal_i386.c:761] in libntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40630a2c) | 2 0x400dd762 (segv_handler+0x3a(__signal=0xb, __context=0x1587) [signal_i386.c:986] in libntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40630d1c) | 3 0x4025fb88 (NTDLL.DLL.toupper+0x59ae in libc.so.6) (ebp=414a0328) | 4 0x00000cd6 (ebp=00010023) | 5 0x18171615 (LIBFILTER.DLL..reloc+0x812e615) (ebp=14131211) | *** Invalid address 0x14131211 (LIBFILTER.DLL..reloc+0x40ee211) |
Crash 2:
| err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x4fcf28 "?" wait timed out, retrying (60 sec) tid=087eedb8 | Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x1784562e in 32-bit code (0x4272392f). | In 32-bit mode. | 0x4272392f (_end+0xdbf6f): addb %bh,0x957c4272(%ebx,%edi,1) | Register dump: | CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:008f GS:1587 | EIP:4272392f ESP:40741c5c EBP:40741cb4 EFLAGS:00210a86( R- 00O I S - -P1 ) | EAX:427d1354 EBX:40be1094 ECX:41a7ff3c EDX:00000002 | ESI:41a7ff3c EDI:414a0328 | Backtrace: | =>0 0x4272392f (_end+0xdbf6f) (ebp=40741cb4) | 1 0x40b7db77 (DPA_QuickSort+0xf3(lpPtrs=0x414bd320, l=0xd1, r=0xd2, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2077] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741ce0) | 2 0x40b7db1c (DPA_QuickSort+0x98(lpPtrs=0x414bd320, l=0xd1, r=0xd4, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2072] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741d14) | 3 0x40b7db35 (DPA_QuickSort+0xb1(lpPtrs=0x414bd320, l=0xcc, r=0xd4, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2075] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741d5c) | 4 0x40b7db1c (DPA_QuickSort+0x98(lpPtrs=0x414bd320, l=0xcc, r=0xdd, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2072] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741d90) | 5 0x40b7db35 (DPA_QuickSort+0xb1(lpPtrs=0x414bd320, l=0xb9, r=0xdd, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2075] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741dd8) | 6 0x40b7db35 (DPA_QuickSort+0xb1(lpPtrs=0x414bd320, l=0x94, r=0xdd, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2075] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741e20) | 7 0x40b7db1c (DPA_QuickSort+0x98(lpPtrs=0x414bd320, l=0x94, r=0x126, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2072] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741e54) | 8 0x40b7db35 (DPA_QuickSort+0xb1(lpPtrs=0x414bd320, l=0x0, r=0x126, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2075] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741e9c) | 9 0x40b7db1c (DPA_QuickSort+0x98(lpPtrs=0x414bd320, l=0x0, r=0x24c, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2072] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741ed0) | 10 0x40b7dc3d (DPA_Sort+0x71(hdpa=0x414a0710, pfnCompare=0x40b9728c, lParam=0x10023) [comctl32undoc.c:2117] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741ef8) | 11 0x40b973af (LISTVIEW_SortItems+0xcf(infoPtr=0x414a0328, pfnCompare=0x418140, lParamSort=0x41a114e8) [listview.c:6773] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741f54) | 12 0x40b99f7e (LISTVIEW_WindowProc+0xbfe(hwnd=0x10023, uMsg=0x1030, wParam=0x41a114e8, lParam=0x418140, hdc=0x41a114e8, hdc=0x41a114e8) [listview.c:8485] in comctl32.dll.so) (ebp=40741f88) | 13 0x4089e767 (WINPROC_wrapper+0x17 in user32.dll.so) (ebp=40741fac) | 14 0x4089e7fd (WINPROC_CallWndProc+0x8d(proc=0x40b99380, hwnd=0x10023, msg=0x1030, wParam=0x41a114e8, lParam=0x418140) [winproc.c:183] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=40741fdc) | 15 0x408a4418 (WINPROC_CallProc32ATo32W+0xbc(func=0x40b99380, hwnd=0x10023, msg=0x1030, wParam=0x41a114e8, lParam=0x418140) [winproc.c:2585] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=40742008) | 16 0x408a4957 (CallWindowProcA+0xa7(func=0x41490526, hwnd=0x10023, msg=0x1030, wParam=0x41a114e8, lParam=0x418140) [winproc.c:2792] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=40742030) | 17 0x0049f07f (nbpro.exe..text+0x9e07f in H:\binw\nbpro\nbpro.exe) (ebp=40742050) | 18 0x0049f6ab (nbpro.exe..text+0x9e6ab in H:\binw\nbpro\nbpro.exe) (ebp=4074206c) | 19 0x0049e68f (nbpro.exe..text+0x9d68f in H:\binw\nbpro\nbpro.exe) (ebp=407420cc) | 20 0x0049e897 (nbpro.exe..text+0x9d897 in H:\binw\nbpro\nbpro.exe) (ebp=407420e8) | 21 0x4089e767 (WINPROC_wrapper+0x17 in user32.dll.so) (ebp=4074210c) | 22 0x4089e7fd (WINPROC_CallWndProc+0x8d(proc=0x49e86c, hwnd=0x10023, msg=0x1030, wParam=0x41a114e8, lParam=0x418140) [winproc.c:183] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=4074213c) | 23 0x408a48eb (CallWindowProcA+0x3b(func=0x49e86c, hwnd=0x10023, msg=0x1030, wParam=0x41a114e8, lParam=0x418140) [winproc.c:2773] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=40742164) | 24 0x408b4054 (call_window_proc+0x11c(hwnd=0x10023, msg=0x1030, wparam=0x41a114e8, lparam=0x418140, unicode=0x0) [message.c:1382] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=407421b8) | 25 0x408b4cd6 (SendMessageTimeoutA+0xea(hwnd=0x10023, msg=0x1030, wparam=0x41a114e8, lparam=0x418140, flags=0x0, timeout=0xffffffff, res_ptr=0x40742240, hwnd=0x10023) [message.c:1796] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=40742210) | 26 0x408b4e3d (SendMessageA+0x39(hwnd=0x10023, msg=0x1030, wparam=0x41a114e8, lparam=0x418140) [message.c:1841] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=40742244) | 27 0x00418252 (nbpro.exe..text+0x17252 in H:\binw\nbpro\nbpro.exe) (ebp=408b4e04) | 28 0x565704ec (_end+0x13f28b2c) (ebp=83e58955) |