On Monday 08 April 2002 00:23, Francois Gouget wrote:
I think I will work on extending your script to also generate Makefiles for use with Visual C++. The way it will work with Visual C++ is that you are supposed to run a batch script provided by Visual C++ (vcvars32.bat). This script sets a number of environment variables which point to the location of the headers, etc. and which you can also use in your Makefiles. Does Mingw provide something similar? Could we have a way of forcing the user to set some environment variables or query the values from him? (my batch-script skills are pretty rusty :-)
No mingw does not by default provide anything like that. We could force the user to set an environment variable pointing to the mingw root dir (but we might as well just have them change one line in the Makefile instead). Or we could do something really nasty and try to locate it by searching the path. I can do all of this in cygwin/(mingw w/ msys) using gnu-make specifics (which I think is a bad idea, since I was trying to keep the Makefile as portable as possible). Or maybe this can be done by launching make through a .bat file which locates the necessary headers, though I haven't written one for nearly 10 years, and am probably a bit rusty too.
About using the Mingw headers vs. the Wine headers vs. Visual C++ headers. I say: use the headers of the environment in which you are. So when compiling with Mingw use the Mingw headers and when compiling with Visual C++ use the Visual C++ headers. As long as we don't use the Wine headers on Windows... Hopefully the Mingw headers will be complete enough for our tests.
It sounds like it is not likely that mingw/cygwin headers will be complete enough for our needs (I already ran into this with OpenThread...which wine got wrong too). However, I was able to work around this for the tests I've written. As a middle gound, I will submit a patch for the perl script that allows the user to use either native or wine's headers. This should make everyone happy.
Also, there is no reason not to submit patches to cygwin/mingw. If we ever get a reasonably thorough test suite, it would be just as valid for testing them as it is for testing wine. Of course we'd probably have to send them patches based on the X11 fork, since wine's headers are now all LGPLd (I haven't looked at the mingw/cygwin licenses)
Thanks, .Geoff