"Dan Kegel" dank@kegel.com writes:
The first message I found contemplating it was dated 1 Jun 1993, http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux/msg/0a7c3867abdb4a76 Is that about the right estimate for Wine's birthday?
The 0.0.2 release was on June 29, and 0.0.1 was about a week before that IIRC. I don't have the exact date unfortunately.
A roughly 1995 writeup about Wine is at http://www.softlookup.com/tutorial/redhat/rhl58.asp It has a screen shot of a game Pipe Dream running under Wine. I just checked; the game is still online at http://members.chello.at/theodor.lauppert/games/pipe1.htm and runs well on today's wine :-)
Hehe, I remember spending lots of time playing, I mean testing that game...