Richard Yao wrote:
Dear All:
I am a senior undergraduate applied mathematics/computer science student and this year, I migrated from Windows 7 to Gentoo Linux on my computers. I tried using Linux alternatives to many applications I used on Windows, but not all software has good alternatives, so I have been using WINE for certain things. The WINE project's accomplishments so far have been extremely impressive, but at the same time, WINE's implementation of the Windows API is deficient in many ways and I think that the WINE project will need to improve its own organization before progress toward true API parity with Windows can be made.
Thank you for the kind comments. What you suggest is a taxation nightmare. Having worked with 501(c)(3) organizations, you HAVE to prove that your grants were used in an appropriate manner. Using them to pay the wages of a for-hire person is NOT appropriate (and will result in the IRS coming down on you like a ton of bricks). If you are looking for a job/internship, contact CodeWeavers. Donations to the Wine Project are used to support developers at WineConf (Wine Conference). We cannot LEGALLY pay wages to others without encountering the wrath of United States taxation laws.
Sorry to be so harsh, but that's the reality of the FOSS world. Either you volunteer your time, or you look for a company that will pay wages for your 'support' efforts.
James McKenzie