Already running builtin ole32/oleaut32/rpcrt4. I have stdole2.tlb and stdole32.tlb, but no tbl files. Am I missing something?
Any further thoughts?
BTW, the only command-line message I get is: "fixme:seh:check_resource_write Broken app is writing to the resource data, enabling work-around"
- Thanks - Jeff S.
"Jeff" == Jeff Smith writes:
Jeff> Trying to install the Music Ace Demo (, I get Jeff> stopped by a messagethat "The InstallShield Engine (iKernel.exe) Jeff> could not be installed. (0x20)" Jeff> I think someone said DCOM98 needs to be installed for Jeff> InstallShield to work properly, so I did, and nothing changed.
Have native stdole*.tbl available in the system directory and run with builtin ole32/oleaut32/rpcrt4. Has been told uqite often...
Uwe Bonnes
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