David Purucker wrote:
I have tried several terminal programs (Hyperterm and TeraTerm) under several builds of Wine including Wine-20040505 and they seem to have the same generic problem.
They all exhibit the same situation, DATA seems to go OUT, but never seems to come IN. Several other people have experienced the same thing, as seen in this bug report: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2115
By the way, TeraTerm does work fine in TCP/IP mode, so it's definitely a serial problem. It's freeware available here: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/teraterm.html
It appears to be a fundamental problem in the serial/file code, which I understand is now under the ntdll tree. Obviously, I don't know much about it, but there is definitely something wrong.
I was wondering if any developers were aware of this problem, as the decreased general usage of serial communications may have caused this to slip under the carpet, so to speak.
I look forward to hearing any ideas, work-arounds, or patches.
I can confirm this problem. My setup is this. PC -> Serial Cable -> Loopback plug.
linux based kermit works correctly, and the loopback also loops RTS/CTS. I type a character, and the loopback plug returns it back to the PC. With the loopback plug removed, no character is returned.
It I then use teraterm, teraterm manages to output characters to the cable (I see LEDs flashing on the loopback plug). But, no characters make it back to windows.
I attach two logs taken with the command: - WINEDEBUG=+comm wine ttermpro.exe
"no-loop.txt" is without a loopback plug. "loop.txt" is with a loopback plug.
So, this is certainly a wine bug, and I hope the logs help someone fix this.
Cheers James
fixme:comm:SetupComm insize 8192 outsize 2048 unimplemented stub trace:comm:PurgeComm handle 0x68, flags f trace:comm:SetCommTimeouts (0x68,0x406cf558) trace:comm:SetCommState handle 0x68, ptr 0x406cf56c trace:comm:SetCommState bytesize 8 baudrate 9600 fParity 0 Parity 0 stopbits 1 trace:comm:SetCommState ~IXON ~IXOFF trace:comm:SetCommState fOutxCtsFlow 0 fRtsControl 1 trace:comm:SetCommState fOutxDsrFlow 0 fDtrControl1 trace:comm:SetCommMask handle 0x68, mask 0 trace:comm:SetCommMask handle 0x68, mask 1 trace:comm:WaitCommEvent (0x68 0x42320178 (nil) ) trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:COMM_WaitCommEventService iosb 0x4232010c trace:comm:WaitCommEvent (0x68 0x42320178 (nil) ) trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:COMM_WaitCommEventService iosb 0x4232010c trace:comm:WaitCommEvent (0x68 0x42320178 (nil) ) trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:COMM_WaitCommEventService iosb 0x4232010c trace:comm:WaitCommEvent (0x68 0x42320178 (nil) ) trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:COMM_WaitCommEventService iosb 0x4232010c trace:comm:WaitCommEvent (0x68 0x42320178 (nil) ) trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:COMM_WaitCommEventService iosb 0x4232010c trace:comm:WaitCommEvent (0x68 0x42320178 (nil) ) trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:COMM_WaitCommEventService iosb 0x4232010c trace:comm:WaitCommEvent (0x68 0x42320178 (nil) ) trace:comm:PurgeComm handle 0x68, flags f trace:comm:EscapeCommFunction handle 0x68, function=6 trace:comm:EscapeCommFunction CLRDTR trace:comm:SetCommMask handle 0x68, mask 0
fixme:comm:SetupComm insize 8192 outsize 2048 unimplemented stub trace:comm:PurgeComm handle 0x68, flags f trace:comm:SetCommTimeouts (0x68,0x406cf558) trace:comm:SetCommState handle 0x68, ptr 0x406cf56c trace:comm:SetCommState bytesize 8 baudrate 9600 fParity 0 Parity 0 stopbits 1 trace:comm:SetCommState ~IXON ~IXOFF trace:comm:SetCommState fOutxCtsFlow 0 fRtsControl 1 trace:comm:SetCommState fOutxDsrFlow 0 fDtrControl1 trace:comm:SetCommMask handle 0x68, mask 0 trace:comm:SetCommMask handle 0x68, mask 1 trace:comm:WaitCommEvent (0x68 0x42320178 (nil) ) trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:ClearCommError handle 0x68 cbInQue = 0 cbOutQue = 0 trace:comm:PurgeComm handle 0x68, flags f trace:comm:EscapeCommFunction handle 0x68, function=6 trace:comm:EscapeCommFunction CLRDTR trace:comm:SetCommMask handle 0x68, mask 0