On 30 Oct 2002, Chris Thielen wrote: [...]
I'm sure an Xbox emulator will eventually come along, assuming there aren't a few already in the works; they, however, under Linux at least, would have to implement DirectX calls; it would be interesting to frequently contact those developers as they would face many of the same issues of implementing DirectX as the newly formed Wine DX group will. I don't know of any emulators that support Xbox architecture, but I don't think wine should be the project to do so, not unless an Xbox game runs under (normal) Windows.
I thought that the XBox was basically a stripped down version of the Win32 API + DirectX + some hardware and software modifications to make XBox games incompatible with regular Windows. I also thought one of Microsoft's goals was to lure PC game programmers to the XBox by making it very similar to writing games for a PC.
So it seems like Wine would contain 90% of what's needed to make an XBox emulator (for Unix), thus making it a good starting place. Same as Wine would be a good starting place to write a WinCE emulator.
Of course I don't have (and probably will never have) and XBox and have never programmed a game for the XBox so maybe others know better?