Huang, Zhangrong wrote:
See dlls/ole32/compobj.c,
static HRESULT apartment_getclassobject(struct apartment *apt, LPCWSTR dllpath, BOOL apartment_threaded, REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { ................... if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { .................. TRACE("calling DllGetClassObject %p\n", apartment_loaded_dll->dll->DllGetClassObject); /* OK: get the ClassObject */ hr = apartment_loaded_dll->dll->DllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv); ^^^^ if (hr != S_OK) ERR("DllGetClassObject returned error 0x%08x\n", hr); } .............. }
Reference to,
[in] Reference to the identifier of the interface that the caller is to use to communicate with the class object. Usually, this is IID_IClassFactory (defined in the OLE headers as the interface identifier for IClassFactory).
This doesn't mean anything other than CoCreateInstance is usually used instead of CoGetClassObject (and CoCreateInstance always passes in IID_IClassFactory for the IID).
We can't pass riid to DllGetClassObject directly sometimes, causes some dlls' DllGetClassObject (like native adsldp.dll) can only return reference-counted pointer to class factory via IID_IClassFactory, for retrieving the pointer to the class object interface requested in riid, we must try another way.
Thank you for your patch, but this behaviour seems a little strange and needs a little more investigation before I am happy that it is correct. What parameters are being passed in to CoGetClassObject to cause the call to fail for you?