Am 21.02.2010 um 22:53 schrieb Henri Verbeet:
You get 2160 when you use correct block sizes, but a broken pitch. I.e. 60[yoffest]/4[bh] * 128[broken_pitch] + 60[xoffset]/4[bw] * 16[block_size]
I don't see how that will result in working locks though, so I'm curious if this test actually passes on native Windows.
I ran a quick test, and Windows gives offset=7920, following the normal DXTN formula. That was Windows 7, Nvidia Geforce 9600, driver from somewhen in late January 2010.
I'll send the attached patch to wine-devel after making sure the CheckDeviceFormat part works on Windows. I coded it on OSX and think that there was some magic about D3DRTYPE_SURFACE.