On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 09:58:40PM +0000, Owen Rudge wrote:
+static char *wide_to_utf8(LPCWSTR wide_string) +{
- char *new_string = NULL;
- int size_needed = 0;
- if (wide_string == NULL)
return NULL;
- size_needed = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wide_string, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
- if (size_needed < 0)
return NULL;
- new_string = heap_alloc(size_needed);
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wide_string, -1, new_string, size_needed, NULL, NULL);
- return new_string;
+static WS_XML_STRING *populate_xml_string(LPCWSTR str) +{
- WS_XML_STRING *xml = heap_alloc_zero(sizeof(WS_XML_STRING));
- if (xml == NULL)
return NULL;
- xml->bytes = (BYTE *)wide_to_utf8(str);
- if (xml->bytes == NULL)
- {
return NULL;
- }
- xml->dictionary = NULL;
- xml->id = 0;
- xml->length = (xml->bytes == NULL) ? 0 : lstrlenA((LPCSTR)xml->bytes);
In principle you already know the length here. So either have wide_to_utf8 return a length param, or merge these two functions.
- return xml;
+static inline void free_xml_string(WS_XML_STRING *value) +{
- if (value == NULL)
- if (value->bytes != NULL)
- heap_free(value);
static BOOL create_guid(LPWSTR buffer) { const WCHAR formatString[] = { 'u','r','n',':','u','u','i','d',':','%','s', 0 }; @@ -79,29 +151,125 @@ static void populate_soap_header(WSD_SOAP_HEADER *header, LPCWSTR to, LPCWSTR ac /* TODO: Implement RelatesTo, ReplyTo, From, FaultTo */ }
+static WSDXML_ELEMENT *create_soap_header_xml_elements(IWSDXMLContext *xml_context, WSD_SOAP_HEADER *header) +{
- /* TODO: Implement header generation */
- return NULL;
+static HRESULT create_soap_envelope(IWSDXMLContext *xml_context, WSD_SOAP_HEADER *header, WSDXML_ELEMENT *body_element,
- WS_HEAP **heap, char **output_xml, ULONG *xml_length, struct list *discovered_namespaces)
- WS_XML_STRING *actual_envelope_prefix = NULL, *envelope_uri_xmlstr = NULL;
- WSDXML_NAMESPACE *addressing_ns = NULL, *discovery_ns = NULL, *envelope_ns = NULL;
- WSDXML_ELEMENT *header_element = NULL;
- WS_XML_BUFFER *buffer = NULL;
- WS_XML_WRITER *writer = NULL;
- WS_XML_STRING envelope;
- /* Create the necessary XML prefixes */
- if (FAILED(IWSDXMLContext_AddNamespace(xml_context, addressingNsUri, addressingPrefix, &addressing_ns))) goto cleanup;
- if (FAILED(IWSDXMLContext_AddNamespace(xml_context, discoveryNsUri, discoveryPrefix, &discovery_ns))) goto cleanup;
- if (FAILED(IWSDXMLContext_AddNamespace(xml_context, envelopeNsUri, envelopePrefix, &envelope_ns))) goto cleanup;
- envelope.bytes = (BYTE*)"Envelope";
- envelope.length = strlen((const char *) envelope.bytes);
This length is known by the compiler.
- envelope.dictionary = NULL;
- envelope.id = 0;
- actual_envelope_prefix = populate_xml_string(envelope_ns->PreferredPrefix);
- envelope_uri_xmlstr = populate_xml_string(envelope_ns->Uri);
- if ((actual_envelope_prefix == NULL) || (envelope_uri_xmlstr == NULL)) goto cleanup;
- /* Now try to create the appropriate WebServices buffers, etc */
- ret = WsCreateHeap(16384, 4096, NULL, 0, heap, NULL);
- if (FAILED(ret)) goto cleanup;
- ret = WsCreateXmlBuffer(*heap, NULL, 0, &buffer, NULL);
- if (FAILED(ret)) goto cleanup;
- ret = WsCreateWriter(NULL, 0, &writer, NULL);
- if (FAILED(ret)) goto cleanup;
- ret = WsSetOutputToBuffer(writer, buffer, NULL, 0, NULL);
- if (FAILED(ret)) goto cleanup;
- /* Create the header XML elements */
- header_element = create_soap_header_xml_elements(xml_context, header);
- if (header_element == NULL) goto cleanup;
- /* <s:Envelope> */
- ret = WsWriteStartElement(writer, actual_envelope_prefix, &envelope, envelope_uri_xmlstr, NULL);
- if (FAILED(ret)) goto cleanup;
- /* TODO: Write the header */
- ret = WsWriteEndElement(writer, NULL);
- if (FAILED(ret)) goto cleanup;
- /* </s:Envelope> */
- /* Generate the bytes of the document */
- ret = WsWriteXmlBufferToBytes(writer, buffer, NULL, NULL, 0, *heap, (void**)output_xml, xml_length, NULL);
- if (FAILED(ret)) goto cleanup;
- WSDFreeLinkedMemory(addressing_ns);
- WSDFreeLinkedMemory(discovery_ns);
- WSDFreeLinkedMemory(envelope_ns);
- WSDXMLCleanupElement(header_element);
- free_xml_string(actual_envelope_prefix);
- free_xml_string(envelope_uri_xmlstr);
- if (writer != NULL)
- /* Don't free the heap unless the operation has failed */
- if ((FAILED(ret)) && (*heap != NULL))
- {
*heap = NULL;
- }
- return ret;
static HRESULT write_and_send_message(IWSDiscoveryPublisherImpl *impl, WSD_SOAP_HEADER *header, WSDXML_ELEMENT *body_element, struct list *discovered_namespaces, IWSDUdpAddress *remote_address, int max_initial_delay) { static const char xml_header[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";
- ULONG xml_length = 0, xml_header_len = sizeof(xml_header) - 1;
- WS_HEAP *heap = NULL;
- char *xml = NULL; char *full_xml;
- HRESULT ret;
- /* TODO: Create SOAP envelope */
ret = create_soap_envelope(impl->xmlContext, header, NULL, &heap, &xml, &xml_length, NULL);
if (ret != S_OK) return ret;
/* Prefix the XML header */
- full_xml = heap_alloc(sizeof(xml_header) + 1);
full_xml = heap_alloc(xml_length + xml_header_len + 1);
if (full_xml == NULL)
WsFreeHeap(heap); return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- memcpy(full_xml, xml_header, sizeof(xml_header));
- full_xml[sizeof(xml_header)] = 0;
memcpy(full_xml, xml_header, xml_header_len);
memcpy(full_xml + xml_header_len, xml, xml_length);
full_xml[xml_length + xml_header_len] = 0;
if (remote_address == NULL) { /* Send the message via UDP multicast */
if (send_udp_multicast(impl, full_xml, sizeof(xml_header), max_initial_delay))
ret = S_OK;
} else {ret = send_udp_multicast(impl, full_xml, xml_length + xml_header_len + 1, max_initial_delay) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
@@ -110,6 +278,7 @@ static HRESULT write_and_send_message(IWSDiscoveryPublisherImpl *impl, WSD_SOAP_ }
return ret;