Alistair Leslie-Hughes writes:
@@ -330,9 +332,14 @@ static UINT_PTR SHELL_ExecuteW(const WCHAR *lpCmd, WCHAR *env, BOOL shWait, /* ShellExecute specifies the command from psei->lpDirectory * if present. Not from the current dir as CreateProcess does */ if( lpDirectory )
- { if( ( gcdret = GetCurrentDirectoryW( MAX_PATH, curdir))) if( !SetCurrentDirectoryW( lpDirectory)) ERR("cannot set directory %s\n", debugstr_w(lpDirectory));
PathCombineW(module_path, psei->lpDirectory, psei->lpFile);
path = module_path;
- }
We'd want to specify the path in all cases, not only when we have a directory. Also the SetCurrentDirectory shouldn't be needed with a proper path.