On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Roger Fujii wrote:
lee wrote:
At this point, I would like to know if people agree up to this point.
Try reading section 2C of the LGPL and tell me how it's good for commercial companies. If LGPL is so clean, simple and nice, why does mozilla/openoffice/apache/perl not use it?
it would appear thats changing and I hope this isn't duplication ( according to mozills site this re-licensing began 9/2001) =============
They still don't use it *exclusively*. They are doing this to reconcile the problems created by the *GPL covered components.
And your point is??? Mozilla _is_ using the LGPL, and it seems to have won over the MPL for whatever reasons. Developers prefer it. Which makes it better. Why should we p*ss against the wind? Just to get wet?
-- Dimi.