Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
"Saulius Krasuckas" wrote:
What would you suggest me to do?
Make yourself an expert in the area you are trying to improve.
I try to do that for almost a year now for winspool / Printing.
Read MSDN,
Done for many Functions. MSDN is not complete and not Error-Free.
Many of them. Do not forget the Oldies (Oldies are goldies!): They do not depend on MFC / DotNet / C#
As an Example, my old win3.1 - Book has Descriptions for every Entry in "win.ini" / "system.ini"
find code samples on the net,
Most samples still does not work.
write the tests on your own.
I started with an app, that call the winspool.drv - API by the Commandline. Now, i do most extensions directly for the Testsuite.