H. Verbeet wrote:
I assume you're talking about direct3d.c in ddraw then.
Sorry, yes.
The second parameter is the "device description" for the enumerated device. The first device is the reference device, the second one is our wined3d implementation.
In which case, would you be happy with the suggested names on the lines marked Var 1 and Var 2 below?
static HRESULT WINAPI IDirect3DImpl_3_EnumDevices(IDirect3D3 *iface, LPD3DENUMDEVICESCALLBACK Callback, void *Context) { ICOM_THIS_FROM(IDirectDrawImpl, IDirect3D3, iface); D3DDEVICEDESC dref, d1, d2; D3DDEVICEDESC7 newDesc; static CHAR wined3d_and_opengl[] = "Wine D3DDevice using WineD3D and OpenGL"; /*** [Var 1] ***/ HRESULT hr;
/* [...] */
if(This->d3dversion != 1) { static CHAR reference_direct3d_id[] = "Reference Direct3D ID"; /*** [Var 2] ***/
/* [...] */ hr = Callback( (LPIID) &IID_IDirect3DRefDevice, reference_direct3d_id, device_name, &d1, &d2, Context); /* [...] */ }
/* [...] */ hr = Callback( (LPIID) &IID_D3DDEVICE_WineD3D, wined3d_and_opengl, device_name, &d1, &d2, Context); /* [...] */
return D3D_OK; }
-- Andy.