There's no $HOME/.asoundrc on any of my systems, yet I'd like to use "plug:dmix" with Wine, e.g. on systems with PulseAudio installed. I can use speaker-test -Dplug:dmix with no trouble. Will your patch make that appear in the list?
Нискородов Серёжа wrote:
To check whether the device is a hardware, I can call a function snd_pcm_type. But first I need to get handle of pcm device using the snd_pcm_open. Okay, but then I have to cancel calling the function alsa_try_open and rewrite checking availability of the device to not to opening it twice.
Avoiding snd_pcm_open is important. Right now, we already have tests that fail randomly because unfriendly devices like PulseAudio cling to the underlying resource ("hw:0") for a couple of seconds, preventing Wine from inspecting it (bug #28048), causing Wine IIRC to eliminate "hw:0" from the list of available devices. :-( That is not satisfying at all. Perhaps one easy shoot at it would be to access "default" last? That's still much like crossing fingers.
Thank you, Jörg Höhle