@Pavel Troller I've checkt the /etc/hosts now. You were right, it says localhost.localdomain localhost Zwirch
(With Zwirch the Name of this Computer)
But I can't just statically rewrite it, because I use DHCP. Also this is a fresh Ubuntu-Install, so I'm surely not the only Wine-User with such an /etc/hosts..
@Juan You're right, I've checked the patch and it indeed was ugly! But when I sent it I hadn't done the check under Windows, so I didn't know if the patch was generally useful, so I mainly ment it as a piece for discussion.(Also I didn't notice how ugly it really was ;)
I've cleaned it up a bit, closed the leak, and did a few other small tweaks so now the patch itself might be acceptable.
greetings, David
Am Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2005 07:04 schrieb Pavel Troller:
Ok, I've just checked doing the same thing under windows.
The test(ripdaveno is the name of the Computer I tested on):
{ ... hostent* h = gethostbyname("ripdaveno"); char* str = inet_ntoa(*((in_addr*)h->h_addr_list[0])); ... }
The string in str was "" which is my Network IP-Adress. With wine(under Linux), as far as I've tested it, exactly the same code always generates "".
Since Wine tries to simulate Windows as exactly as possible, this is wrong. So, in my opinion this Patch is necessary. :-)
Hi! It's strange but there is no patch in this mail I can look at... However, even more strange is that wine returns localhost address to you... Why ? I just tested Your testing code (just slightly modified to get it to compile) on both plain linux as well as in wine and in both cases it returns my real public IP. Isn't your Linux networking setup (/etc/hosts table) a bit wrong ? My one contains (arcus is my machine name) localhost arcus.sinus.cz arcus
I have already seen broken setups containing things like localhost arcus
which is of course wrong.
Regards, Pavel Troller