On March 11, 2003 01:41 am, Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
- Vertical Scroll boundaries are not set properly in Icon and SmallIcon
modes. I hacked this one but it's not correct - still missing about 10-20 pixels. Not sure why.
I know, there was on previous bug report about it. Feel free to submit a patch. In general, Icon and SmallIcon modes have more problems than the Report and List modes :(
- ACDSee's Big Icons mode doesn't show anything at
all. Not sure what the problem here. It looks like it is possible to select something with keyboard. But still nothing on on the screen.
Odd -- you'll need to debug this a little. Remember, the listview can't gracefully handle more than 30000 or so items in Icon and SmallIcon mode, so please test with lists smaller than that.
- ToolTips not implemented. Not that it's so important. But ACDSee using
them for additional info about images.
Known -- it's in the TODO. I guess this one can wait, there are other burning problems to solve first :)
- Keyboard navigation in Icon mode is broken. Only right key sorta works.
I know -- keyboard handling has been on my TODO list for some time, but I did not have the time to investigate. Feel free to work on it.
- Resizing window does not rearrange icons. Only doing "refresh - F5"
rearranges icons in the proper fashion.
It should. Can you capture a +listview trace of a resizing event?
- Biggest mystery to me - some items missing image names. This happens in
all modes. ACDSee is using callbacks for text/images. So I'm not sure where the problem is. There are some activity going on with all file names according to trace:string. But GetDispInfo returns blanks. Although thumbnails and preview are displayed properly.
Hmmm. This is strange, it shouldn't do that. Are the missing names always the same?
- In Icon & SmallIcon mouse wheel is reversed.
Try the obvious fix, see if that works :)
Basically (1)&(6) are major show stoppers. (4)&(5) needs to be there to make it usable.
True. If you have patches, post them to the list, so we can discuss them.
There is two more mysteries in ACDSee - TreeView. It's entries are not sorted! But they are under Win. And those folders that don't have names in ListView shown properly in TreeView.
Our treeview is not perfect :) Let's deal with the listview first, it's enough to keep us busy for a while ;).